What is Inventory Optimization?

What is Inventory Optimization?

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Logistic Automation Will Shape The Future Of Logistics and Warehousing

Logistic Automation Will Shape The Future Of Logistics and Warehousing

In logistics, automation or automatic control refers to the use of control systems, machinery, or software to increase operational efficiency. It usually refers to processes that must be carried out at a warehouse or distribution centre with the least amount of human intervention possible. In fact, there are numerous procedures that could be automated along the supply chain (procurement, distribution, customer support, reverse logistics, etc.). According to Reports and Data, the logistics automation market has been growing significantly. Growing from USD 52.59 Billion in 2020, the logistics automation market is expected to register a CAGR of 12.4% to reach USD 133.21 Billion in 2028. Robotic arms, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and software are all examples of logistics automation. This technology combines to make warehouse procedures more efficient, safe, and precise. What was previously unthinkable in warehouses has now become not only conceivable, but also profitable, thanks to modern automation.

Material handling and logistics automation are inextricably linked. To increase efficiency and accuracy, automated processes and technology are used to supplement the personnel. These technologies can include, among others, the following:

  • Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) that transport totes and pallets
  • Warehouse-specific robotic arms that grasp, move, palletize, depalletize, and sort totes
  • Advanced automated storage/retrieval systems (AS/RSs) with the ability to store products in racks

From the first mechanical pallet conveyors to the most recent lights-out facilities, the logistics business has always been ripe for automation. However, today's most sophisticated logistics automation technologies can be found in the cloud rather than on the warehouse floor. Automation technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bots, Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) systems, and full hyper-automation platforms that orchestrate end-to-end processes involving both software and human workers are helping logistics managers eliminate operation-wide inefficiencies.

Logistics management used to be done on paper. Orders, bills of lading, and invoices were typed and passed back and forth by shippers. It was sluggish and prone to errors. In the 1970s, as computing began to take off in the industry, Electronic Data Interfaces (EDIs) were developed to share transportation data, allowing carriers to execute their first track-and-trace programs. Later, same carriers began to share such information with their customers, ushering in the present era of delivery notifications and tracking numbers included with every order.

Logistics automation tools began to face more complicated problems with the introduction of artificial intelligence. Today, AI-enabled automation solutions are automating logistical processes ranging from document verification to order tracking to predictive modelling.

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News DocShipper

DocShipper News

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B2B Websites Importers Exporters

Top 10 B2B Websites for Importers and Exporters

With e-commerce continuing to grow, the need for a B2B website is more important than ever. According to stats, in US alone, B2B eCommerce market is now worth close to $8 trillion (US) and is forecasted to grow 18.7% through 2026 and reach $18.57 trillion (US).

ecommerce revenue growth

Source: Statista

These websites offer a number of advantages over other forms of advertising and marketing. Their primary function is to help potential customers find your product or service, helping you in taking your b2b businesses to the next level.

Today, it is easier than ever to connect with overseas suppliers and buyers. Whether you're an importer of goods or an exporter of goods, the internet has made it possible to find new trading partners in just a few minutes. However, not all websites created can offer you with equal trading opportunities for this purpose. To help you get started, here are ten of the top B2B websites that can help you find new customers and suppliers.

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All the Steps to Procurement Management to Optimize Processes

8 Steps to Procurement Management to Optimize Processes

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught the business world about the importance of having an efficient procurement management system in place. There is a long list of reasons why this process needs to be optimized but it all boils down to one simple fact: it saves the business time and money.

Unfortunately, procurement project management is not as simple as checking out ValueHunta for the latest and greatest deal. Having a procurement analyst means effectively getting the materials needed to keep your company’s production process moving along smoothly.

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major benefits of vehicle tracking

Major benefits of vehicle tracking system

Technology is quickly evolving and taking a new pace in every aspect and industry. Managing a fleet could be a daunting task for any company that counts commercial vehicles as a vital part of its operations. Embracing telematics solutions can reduce operational cost and improve the efficiency of the overall fleet management operations.

There is no doubt in saying that overseeing and maintaining fleets to ensure operations are seamless can work wonders for the growth of your business. Leveraging telematics technology can enhance aspects such as route optimization, operating costs management, vehicle maintenance, driver management, etc. In addition, it ensures 100% compliance with government regulations.

The telematics solution tends to use sensors and GPS as a foundation for gathering, managing, and interpreting data to gain real-time visibility of the entire fleet operations. It will help the organizations to get real-time visibility to track and monitor vehicle location, destination, speed, and routes, and many more.


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Shipping Products Internationally

Shipping Products Internationally: Tips to Delivering Products Beyond Borders

If you're the owner of an eCommerce business or are considering becoming one, you're probably weighing the benefits of shipping internationally. While this can be a challenge for companies to tackle, the growing pains will be worth it when your total addressable market  grows, and you gain new customers

As a small business owner, you may wrongly believe that you have to be running a large operation before you can start shipping internationally. However, by choosing the right logistics  partners, you can open your doors to global customers sooner than you may think. 

Before you take the international plunge, read through our tips and solutions to common shipping challenges so you'll be ready to serve your new client base across the world.

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Bill Lading complete guide

Bill of lading [Complete Guide]

Are you a beginner in worldwide exchange and when you make your first exchange, the word Bill of Landing doesn't appear to be recognizable to you? Relax, we will feature the attributes of this renowned record, since in the business world, the Bill Of Lading (BoL or B/L) is one of the primary reports used to do ship exchanges via ocean, air or street.

The Bill of Lading is an document given by a carrier to a shipper, affirming that the merchandise have been gotten in an acceptable condition and are prepared for shipment. These merchandise will then, at that point be conveyed by the transporter to a recipient. At long last, the Bill of Lading is an agreement of carriage between the transporter, the proctor and the transporter setting out the states of carriage. In this article we will introduce you with this document so you can get what it is and how to react.

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Top reasons PL dynamic

Top 6 Reasons Why You Need 3PL Dynamics For Third Party Logistics

Third party logistics services have changed the way e-commerce businesses operate. Thanks to fast and efficient delivery services, they can help online merchants grow their business and complete all their order fulfillment tasks on time. However, as a 3rd party logistics service provider, streamlining all the information and managing every detail can be overwhelming. With the advent of 3PL software solutions, you can get all the details at your fingertips and save your company time and money. Keep reading to learn about what 3PL companies do and how logistics management software can help you stay on top of the supply chain.

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Shipping Methods and Order Fulfillment

Shipping Methods & Order Fulfillment: Everything You Need to Know

eCommerce is booming with time! Over the years, on observation eCommerce is more about convenience and choice. Renowned freight companies offer preferred shipping methods & multi-courier shipping solutions to their potential customers. Shipping products successfully is an integral part of customer satisfaction. Clients like to receive their goods quickly, safely, and in perfect condition.    

There are various modes of transporting cargo and other goods such as air, land, or water. All these three modes of shipping play a vital role in boosting the economy. Depending upon the benefits of each one, you can make a well-informed decision. In this article, here we discuss some common shipping terms, carriers, popular methods, drop ship service and fulfillment solutions.  

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